Ingrid Charlery, Who Moved from Homelessness to Author of Her Experience, Speaks at Faith Lutheran
This article focuses on author Ingrid Charlery. On Sunday, September 22, 2019, Ingrid Charlery spoke at the Forum of Faith Lutheran in New Providence and told the members of Faith of her inspirational story, which she has authored in her book, “The Strength of a Woman! Through the darkness came light and strength.”
The book talks about her and her young daughter’s journey from a comfortable home onto the uncomfortable floors in shelters for the homeless.
Ms. Charlery shares how grateful she is for Family Promise, which serves individuals who have lost their housing and in which Faith Lutheran has participated for 30 years.
Ms. Charlery said, “The Strength of a Woman” was written to rebuild, empower, inspire and strengthen others going through depression and the thought of suicide. I wanted to help others come out of the stigma that others put us in. I want everyone to know no matter what obstacles that may come their way, Don’t Give Up. God is able to pull through it. I took all of my pain and turned it into a Gain.”